Monday, September 15, 2008

Wii Wii Wii All The Way Home

I was supposed to go scrapbooking on Saturday with my friend Deb. She called Saturday morning and was sick with a migraine. I thought about going alone. I already had the car packed and was all set. But as the time to go got closer, it rained harder and harder. The thought of lugging all of that crap in and out in the rain just didn't sound like much fun. So, I decided to have a talk with my husband.

You know that look your husband gives you when you say, "Honey, can we talk?" Oh, how Mr. Love hates that! But, the time had come.

Lately, it seemed like a lot of people were either already in love with Wii Fit or were desperately trying to get one. Mr. Love and I have a membership to the MAC. It's a premiere fitness club in East Lansing. We've been members for years and years. Basically our idea of membership is to mail a check to them once a month. Periodically we take a stand and declare that we WILL START GOING TO THE MAC. Then we go for a while and then quit.

As winter grows near, and I begin to work from home more and more, I just don't see myself going to the MAC. However, at the same time, I feel more and more drawn to exercise. I want to get moving. Yes, I need to lose weight, and I want to lose weight. But more importantly, I want to start being more of a healthy person.

So we talked, Mr. Love and I. We decided that I will drop the MAC, and he will stay. Then we went out and bought a Wii and Wii Fit. We also bought a thousand other things that go with the whole thing, but that's what happens when you start down this path, I believe.

The Wii Fit is a game and also a balance board. It gives you exercises in four categories: balance, strength training, aerobics, and yoga. It tracks your weight, BMI, and workout minutes. It took a bit to get it all set up, because you have to do certain tests, but it's going now.

In addition to the Fit, we got a couple of dancing games and a ski game. Yesterday afternoon I danced for almost two hours, and today I could barely move. It was quite a workout. I also did the hula hoop for a while, and that was a blast.

I'm hoping that this has enough variety that it will keep me interested. I like that it tracks my progress and let's me know how I'm doing.

So, Mr. Love's "man cave" in the basement has been invaded by the wife and the Wii. Poor guy. He's taking it well, but I'm sure he misses his quiet man cave with just a bunch of computers, a nice comfy couch, and Star Trek reruns on the TV.


Anonymous said...

Way to go sissy! I'm so proud of you. You can do it! Have fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Do they have Wii for scrapbooking?
Just a thought :)

Sue B.