Sunday, May 31, 2009

Time Revisited This Weekend

This was SUCH a great weekend! I'm on Facebook, and through that, I've reconnected with a number of people from high school. I've also found that some of my old high school friends are also scrapbookers. We had a crop Friday and yesterday, so I invited them to come. I was so excited when they said yes!

Sue and Kathy were my friends when we were in band and marching band together. We had so many good times with that. Our band was awesome, and we were band dorks together. Sue came from Swartz Creek, and Kathy came from Kalamazoo. Kathy doesn't even scrapbook; she just came so we could see each other again! We sat and talked for hours, and it was just like we had been together a week ago. It didn't feel at all like it had been 29 years.

My other friend that came was Diane, who brought her mom along for the crop. Diane and I were very close in high school, and I don't think we've seen each other since the 10 year reunion. So, that would be 18 years since we were together. Just like with Sue and Kathy, it felt like Diane and I had never been separated. She's wonderful, and it made me realize how much I've missed her over the years.

It's so easy to let time get away, and I'm so grateful that we had the chance to get together like this and reunite at a happy time in our lives. So, here's to Kathy, Sue, and Diane! For sure it won't be another 20 or 30 years before we're together again.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Westward Bound

The next couple of days will be interesting. I'm heading to Minnesota tomorrow for a business trip. We come back Thursday morning. Where it gets interesting is that I have to get up at 3:30 both days in order to get to my flights.

Mr. Love has made me promise that I won't get him up, but I fear that the little four-legged friends will try to get him to get up and feed them. It's going to be fun for the whole family!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Great Weekend

I love living in Michigan this time of year. We had wonderfully warm days and cool nights this weekend, and it was perfect. Our yard is looking amazing. Randy's hard work is really paying off. He worked outside all weekend, doing spring cleanup. He modified the area in the far back of our yard, where we have a fire pit. He put in a small mulch area for our glider and got the wood all put together and organized. It looks amazing. We had our first fire out there tonight, and I know we're really going to enjoy that area this summer.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Back To Work

Today was my first day back to work. It all happened very quickly, that's for sure!

I've accepted a temporary assignment working for a small company in Okemos. They're a scientific research firm that is in a state of transition, so they've hired me to do some HR work for them. Right now it's about a 3-4 week assignment, but you never know what will come out of it.

Even if it truly is just a few weeks, I'm so happy to be working again. It felt so good this morning to wake up and have a place to go. As I worked with the people there, I could feel my old energy returning. I was so engaged listening to all that they wanted to accomplish, and it was so nice to be able to help people again. It's going to be a really busy few weeks, that's for sure, but I can't wait.

Nothing much else going on. I'm still working on my swaps and have updated, yet again, my splitcoast stampers gallery (link to the right!). Randy's excited that his back is better and the weather is good, so he's out in the yard every chance he gets. Our lawn looks amazing, and the landscaping he did last year is really coming in nicely this year. I'll get some pictures this weekend and get them posted. I bought some ribs for the grill, and we plan to hang out on the patio and in the yard as much as possible, enjoying a nice long weekend. I hope you get the chance to do the same.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

She's Back!!!

It's nice to have life back to normal!!!

My dad has been going through some health issues, and, just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to heal my father. Poor guy had one thing after another for a few weeks, but I'm happy to report that it appears he's all better now. WHEW!

So, now an update on all things Willett. Question Number 1, as always, has the unfortunate answer of no, still no job yet for me. I keep plugging along hoping that one of these days something will stick. I have my moments of panic, but really, overall, I'm doing well. It helps that Mr. Love maintains a Pollyanna attitude and a calm demeanor, areas in which I am sorely lacking.

I keep getting rejected for jobs and, at times, I do take it personally. Then I'll watch a Dr. Phil or some other show and see someone just like me, without a job for months, first time ever, and just can't seem to find anything. That actually helps. It's a reminder that I'm not alone and that I can't control it.

So, even though I do spend a lot of time looking for a job, I also have been spending a lot of time scrapbooking. I've become addicted to making "inchies." If you would like to see what those are, check out my gallery on SplitCoast (there's a link in the right-hand column of this blog). I've also joined a number of online swaps, and I'm starting to get back some of the items we're swapping. It's a lot of fun.

Mr. Love's job is as secure as anything is right now, but actually they seem to be finding more ways to give him other duties to keep him busy. His entire plant has to take two weeks off between now and the middle of July, but he has the vacation time available so will use that. He's been home since Thursday and will go back to work Monday. He hoped to get a lot of yard work done, but we've been running around a lot and that cuts into his yard time.

We saw "Star Trek" at the IMAX theatre, and all I can say is WOW. I'm not a huge fan of the series, but I always have liked the movies. This one was the best by far, and seeing it on that huge screen was a thrill.

We did get over to get our tomato plants and other things for our garden, and he got those planted yesterday. He's making some changes to our garden this year, so once he has everything in place, I'll post some pictures.

So, that's the update. I'll try to do better at posting now that I have my head on straight.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Quiet For A While

Thought I'd post tonight letting everyone know that I'm still around, and I'm all right. We've had some things going on in my family that have taken most of my time lately, and I don't expect that I'll be blogging any time soon. I'm fine, Mr. Love is fine, we just have a lot on our plates right now and need to be focused on what we need to do.

I'll be back, and, in the meantime, say a prayer for my family. We can use the help right now.