Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another Wild Willett Week

Things have been nice and quiet here at Castle Willett. Randy's been crabbing about the weather because all he wants to do is be outside working on his projects. He's out there right now starting the front flower bed. I can't wait to see it when it's all done. He has a 3D image of our house on his computer and has graphically created what he's doing with the front and side yards. It's going to be so nice!

I filled my car up Monday evening and spent $53 on gas. This was BEFORE gas jumped up another $.25/gallon on Tuesday, mind you. I decided it's time for a lifestyle change. So, I worked from home Tuesday, Wednesday, and today. That saves both on gas and on lunches, a big help. It was a good week to do that since my bosses were in Richmond all week, so the office would have been quiet anyway. But after three days of that, I do find I'm ready to get back to the office tomorrow.

In my evenings, I've been trying to find room for all of the stuff I bought at the MegaMeet. I'm just about done with that and have a scrapbook layout I want to get finished. Very exciting stuff. I'll get some pictures on the yard progress and post them soon.....

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