It's actually very big and open. Randy installed a pull-down ladder last fall, so we've now started using the space for extra storage. Of course, I took pictures and made a scrapbook layout of the whole thing.
So, returning to tonight. After he got up there, I said in what I thought was a pretty loud voice, "Everyone who sees my scrapbook is amazed at how much space we have up there."
To which my Mr. Love replied, "Now, who died?"
Gotta love my Mr. Love.
Seeing your attic brought back memories of the last time I was up in our attic. I accidently stepped off the plywood floor on to the drywall and amazingly it did not hold me (being the light weight that I am ha,ha). Down through the rafters I came onto the concrete floor in the garage. Then came a 911 call and a trip to the hospital in the ambulance. I recovered but some parts of my body have never been the same. SOOO be careful!!!
Hi Lori,
I laughed at loud at this one.
Saturday, I was cooking what I thought was a good dinner for John---breaded/baked pork chops, cooked carrots and mashed potatoes.
He came out of his den and inquired, "What smells so funny?"
I guess single men don't recognize the scent of food unless it is from a can or from Stophers!
Aunt D.
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