Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Who Is Out of Touch?

I share with you tonight two stories. Randy says I make him look bad on the blog, so I'm going to share my own moment of idiocy so we have some equal time tonight.

Here's a picture of our house last Spring:

Here is a picture of our house tonight:

Do you see a difference? After living here 14 years, I honest to God pulled in the driveway and didn't notice the tree was gone. Now, in my defense, I was very busy gawking at the house directly across the street. The elderly lady that lived there forever passed away about three weeks ago, and already there's a for sale sign out front. I was looking at the sign and thinking how amazing it was that it was already on the market, and I just pulled in our driveway and went inside. Didn't notice that 20 foot tree missing in front.

I probably could have sold that story to my husband, but I made the mistake of stepping out on the porch and getting the mail. You guessed it, again the tree being gone escaped me.

You may wonder why we decided to remove the tree. It was such a selling point when I bought this house lo so many years ago. But, over the years, that tree just grew too big. It was dwarfing our front yard and porch, and so we decided it needed to go. Randy has plans for a "significant" landscape redo this year in our front yard, and, yes, there will be a new tree planted to take the place of the one we took down.

Now, on to Randy's situation. We watched "American Idol" taped from last night. Jason Castro did the Israel (unpronounceable/spellable last name) version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." This involved him playing the ukulele, and the song had quite an upbeat tempo. My Mr. Love didn't like it at all, and he said, "I never liked that song, not even when that fuzzy-haired guy sang it." It took me a minute, but I realized he was thinking of Tiny Tim singing "Tiptoe Through The Tulips." When I tried to explain to him that that was a different guy and a different song, he wouldn't believe me. So, I sang the original Judy Garland "Somewhere Over The Rainbow," and he INSISTED that that was NOT the song Jason Castro just sang, that Jason sang "Tiptoe Through The Tulips." By the end of this argument we were both about crying we were laughing so hard. Only my Mr. Love would confuse Judy Garland with Tiny Tim.


Anonymous said...

We thought he should have been sitting in a teeny tiny go with his teeny tiny guitar...

Anonymous said...

When we played "Truth or Lie," I should have said that I once jumped out of the car at the Lansing airport to obtain Tiny Tim's autograph. Truth! I expect I still have it, and will come across it as I continue to clean out the basement, as I have a hard time parting with these "treasures." Now,truth or lie, this is the first time I have commented on a Blog??

Anonymous said...

I have tears, I'm laughing so hard. Sorry Randy, but that was way to funny. Tiny Tim/Judy Garland. I bet Tiny Tim would of made a good Dorothy though.

Sue B.

Lorabele said...

Nancy, you're too funny! And yes, I would have to say it's the truth that this is the first time you left a comment on a blog.