Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Inside Christmas

Yesterday I spent some time decorating the house for Christmas. We've debated about what we wanted to do this year. We're not buying any presents, and the cost of electricity has gone up about 50 percent in recent months. So, we're really not wanting to go overboard and have some huge electricity bill.

We decided to forgo the big tree and basement decorations and just do some smaller things upstairs. The picture you see is what we call our "Mr. and Mrs. Love Tree." Whenever we travel, we buy an ornament for this tree. Then, each year, we buy a special ornament with our names and the year on it. So, every year we have a few new things to add to that tree. Nothing else goes on it. I can only imagine what this will look like in 20 years! It's only a 5 foot tree!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful tree. I think we all need to get back to the true meaning of Christmas and forget all the stinkin' gifts- but try to convince your neice of that!
