Friday, December 19, 2008

Shaking Poodle Syndrome

Yesterday I had to take Jack in to get his hair cut. He loves to go in the car, and no matter where we end up, he's excited. For some reason, though, when we got there, he started shaking like he was either freezing to death or scared to death. I held him for a while, and he still didn't stop. I put him down, he peed on the rug, and then he was fine. Oh, little white poodle.

So he got his hair cut, and he looks adorable. When we got home last night, I asked Randy to help me get Jack to sit under the Christmas tree so I could get a picture. Well, immediately Jack thought he was in trouble and started that shaking again. He sat with Randy on the couch for a while. He was so cute, I took his picture. Now we're calling these his mug shots.

After he calmed down, we tried again. Jack was having no part of it. Randy tried to bribe him with a treat. He grabbed it and made a run for it. I caught him showing exactly what he thought of us.

Finally we decided to give it one last shot. I know this looks like he's doing his outside business in the house, but really this is just his final pose.

He gave up, and so did we.

So much for a pretty poodle Christmas picture.

Before our big poodle production, we spent the evening in St. Johns attending a 3rd grade school play for our niece, Rebecca. She was Clara in the Nutcracker. She did such a great job! We were all so proud of her! I have to say I was very impressed that a teacher would spend so much time with her class to put this together. It was very well done, and every child had a role to play. They actually did the play twice, so I think just about everyone was on stage for one performance and was doing scenery or something behind the scenes for the other performance. What a great experience for the kids, and you could tell they had a ball.

Great job, Rebecca! Thanks for inviting us!

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