This is my grandpa, many, many years ago.
My sister and I in our matching outfits.
My mom's family.
Willett Matters gives you all of the happenings of the Willett household, live from Lansing, Michigan.
The interview was amazing. I really thought it went well. When it came time for me to ask questions of the panel, I asked them why they were looking at external candidates since I would assume that the State already had a number of qualified, interested people already on the payroll. Basically they said that they hadn't decided if they were going to go internal or external. They were only interviewing five candidates. Three were internal and two were external, one of which was me. The Court Administrator told me that given the volume of applicants, I should feel very flattered that I was chosen for an interview since only two out of the entire State were selected. He was such a genuinely kind man, and I thought that was such a kind thing for him to say.
The he said the bad word....HOWEVER. He said that if they were to choose an internal candidate, they would not back fill that job, so there would be a significant cost savings. That, he said, put me and the other external candidate at a "distinct disadvantage."
I figured that going into this, so I wasn't surprised when they called today and said that they had chosen an internal candidate. The Asst. Court Administrator, again made me feel so good about how the interview went and told me that this was a very tough decision for them to make.
So, I'm still unemployed, but I feel so good about how I was viewed during this process and how well the interview went. It helps boost my confidence a little, something I need after being unemployed almost three months.
I have my new resume, and it's already attracted the attention of one recruiter. Who knows if anything will come of it, but I did have a phone interview today. I've applied for many, many jobs this week all over the state, so my hope is that next week I will begin to hear back on some of the positions I've applied for.
In the meantime, I'm taking the weekend off to relax. It was an intense week for the job search, and I'm burned out. I'm going to read, scrapbook, and watch some DVD's. Then, on Monday, I'll hit it hard again and see what else I can do.
Of course, when he started painting the wall, you could see a difference in the old paint and the new paint. He ended up painting the whole wall over again.
We asked Todd and Chris, Randy's two brothers-in-law, to come over to help get the TV mounted to the wall. It turned out to be a bigger project than we anticipated, and they were here for over two hours. We were so grateful that Todd had actually done this before when he put his TV up on the wall, so he was able to figure out what was supposed to be done pretty quickly.
Only problem was, the bracket that we bought was a generic model for any type of TV. It came with a template, and the instructions said to put the template on the wall right in the center of where you want your TV to hang. Randy did that, but we didn't realize that our particular model of TV had the mounting holes higher than center. So, when they actually put everything together, the TV hung 6 inches lower than it was supposed to.
You wouldn't think 6 inches would make that much difference, but it really did. We had measured the table that was going to go under the TV and then allowed 12 inches between the top of the table and the TV. Since the TV was now lower, there was only 6 inches between the TV and the table. So, it looked like the TV was actually sitting on top of the surround sound component on top of the table. It looked awful.
Todd and Chris had already been here way longer than they anticipated, so they had to leave. Randy called our friend Mark, who came right over. They took the TV down, moved the wall bracket up 6 inches, and rehung the TV. They were done in less than half an hour, and it looked fantastic. It was right where it was supposed to be, and everything came together after that.
One of the reasons we really wanted to get this done now is so we could have it done by New Year's Eve. We had our friends Mark and Kathy over, and we knew we would want to play Wii games. There was no way to do that in our little TV room, and we didn't want to do it in the basement, so this worked out really well.
We had a blast with the games. Kathy brought some, some we rented, and we had some. We were so wrapped up in them that we almost missed midnight!
Good thing we didn't starve to death.
We played Mario Cart, which is where you race each other in cars. It got pretty cut throat.
It's hard to watch your husband drive off a cliff!
If your husband is beating you in a race, just cover his eyes.
Then we began our performances, singing along with various songs on American Idol. The guys had announced right at the beginning of the evening that real men don't sing, so we were were NOT going get them to sing. So Kathy and I did a bunch of duets.
After a couple of songs, the guys came in the room, sat down, and pretty soon they were singing along. We handed them the microphones, and next thing you know, they were stars!
Trouble began, though, when Cloe jumped up next to Randy to figure out just what in the world he was doing. She got right in his face and tried to make him be quiet!
Then each couple did a song.
This is why Randy and I don't dance in public.
Jack went into the TV room and went to bed about 9:30. He never stirred....slept through the car races, the singing, all the music, the celebration at midnight......oh, Jack!