Monday, January 12, 2009

Keeping Fingers Crossed

Furnace guy came this morning, and we now have heat! Evidently our pump that takes out moisture from the furnace and air conditioner had died, so that was problem #1. The bigger problem, though, turned out to be some motor that was part of the actual furnace. The fan on it wasn't moving at all, and, without that, we would have no heat.

So, we had good news and bad news.

Good news was he had the pump on the truck (since we called ahead, thinking that's what it was), so he replaced that.

Bad news was he didn't have the furnace fan piece, but it will be in tomorrow. He got it going for us, but he doesn't know if it will keep going until he returns or not. He showed us how to jump start it, but we just don't know if we'll continue to have heat.

Very good news is that he thinks it's all going to be covered under warranty! That would sure be a blessing. So, he's checking on that, and we're keeping our fingers crossed.

The funny thing is that we've had the furnace five years and never had it inspected or tuned up. For some reason, around Thanksgiving, I just insisted that we do that. Great timing, right, with me not working! But we did it anyway. Now, because we had that tuneup and inspection, everything should be covered. If we hadn't done that, they wouldn't be able to cover it. So, hopefully that $80 we spent in December will be money well spent and this will all be covered.

It really wasn't too bad without the furnace. Our neighbor lent us a space heater, and we had one ourselves, plus an electric fireplace in the basement. I just hunkered on the couch with Jack this morning with the heaters going, and it kept it about 63 degrees. That's okay with a dog and a blanket to keep you warm.

We'll see how it goes from her on out. He'll be back tomorrow with the part, so one way or the other we'll be good to go after that.

So, keep your fingers crossed on that warranty business - sure would be nice to get out of this without having to have a big bill!!

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