Now on to recent developments. Last night Mr. Love attended a lecture at the Wharton Center. The speaker was Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist who has just released a book about how Pluto isn't a planet. That, I have to tell you, is the full extent of my understanding of what Mr. deGrasse Tyson knows. The rest, to me, is white noise. He was actually on "The Tonight Show" last Monday, and Mr. Love was beside himself waiting for the interview. I understood about every 8th sentence. The other guest that night was Jimmy Fallen, who sat next to Mr. deGrasse Tyson during the interview. It appeared Jimmy understood about the same amount as I, since at one point he leaned over and said, "Dude, I really want to get drunk with you." I know what he meant, because only if I were drunk would Mr. deGrasse Tyson make sense to me.
Now, Mr. Love, on the other hand, he eats this up. He couldn't wait for Thursday to get here so he could go. What a shame that they ran out of tickets so quickly that I wasn't able to get one to go along. Dangit all anyway.
Mr. Love was gone for hours, and when he came home, he couldn't even sit down he was so worked up. He said it was 600 geeks in a room, listening to this man who then opened it up for questions for hours. I really have no clue as to what they talked about, but it was so nice to see him that worked up over something. I guess that's how I look when I get back from the Novi Scrapbooking MegaMeet.
Don't you think Mr. deGrasse Tyson looks just like that guy who was on "Barney Miller" in the 70's? You be the judge:
In other breaking news, I was told today that I didn't get a job that I interviewed for last week. It was no surprise to me. I actually interviewed at the Michigan Supreme Court for their HR Director position. It was a panel interview at the Hall of Justice. If you haven't ever seen that building, here it is:
The interview was amazing. I really thought it went well. When it came time for me to ask questions of the panel, I asked them why they were looking at external candidates since I would assume that the State already had a number of qualified, interested people already on the payroll. Basically they said that they hadn't decided if they were going to go internal or external. They were only interviewing five candidates. Three were internal and two were external, one of which was me. The Court Administrator told me that given the volume of applicants, I should feel very flattered that I was chosen for an interview since only two out of the entire State were selected. He was such a genuinely kind man, and I thought that was such a kind thing for him to say.
The he said the bad word....HOWEVER. He said that if they were to choose an internal candidate, they would not back fill that job, so there would be a significant cost savings. That, he said, put me and the other external candidate at a "distinct disadvantage."
I figured that going into this, so I wasn't surprised when they called today and said that they had chosen an internal candidate. The Asst. Court Administrator, again made me feel so good about how the interview went and told me that this was a very tough decision for them to make.
So, I'm still unemployed, but I feel so good about how I was viewed during this process and how well the interview went. It helps boost my confidence a little, something I need after being unemployed almost three months.
I have my new resume, and it's already attracted the attention of one recruiter. Who knows if anything will come of it, but I did have a phone interview today. I've applied for many, many jobs this week all over the state, so my hope is that next week I will begin to hear back on some of the positions I've applied for.
In the meantime, I'm taking the weekend off to relax. It was an intense week for the job search, and I'm burned out. I'm going to read, scrapbook, and watch some DVD's. Then, on Monday, I'll hit it hard again and see what else I can do.
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