Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Us

We spent the day at Mom & Dad's, who wanted to celebrate our birthdays. Mom made the BEST meal of ham and scalloped potatos, and of course we had birthday cake and ice cream. Along with that, she made a cherry pie. Little did she kenow that Randy had told me already that he didn't want cake this year.... he wanted cherry pie! Talk about perfect.

Since it was a cake for both of us, mom put a "4" in the middle and then 5 candles on one side for me and 7 on the other side for Randy. Very clever.

Mom wanted a picture of us with the cake....

And dad being dad, he wanted in, too..... he cracked us up by jumping in the picture....

Great food, great fun, and a great day. Thanks, Mom & Dad!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! to you both. I know Randy's is tomorrow so I hope he has a great day. Leave it to your Dad to ham it up.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading about your latest adventure. Loved the birthday pics!

But I must confess that I have been waiting to see you with your diploma around your neck and a Flava Flav grill in your mouth! now that would be a picture!

Aunt D.